We welcome all Army Women veterans and Army Women in active duty to be WACVA-AWU members. Women veterans from other services can join as affiliate members, too!

Regardless of the uniform you wear, you are one of us!

At present we have over 700 active members across the United States, and new chapters continue to form each year. Where no chapter exists, eligible women become Members-At-Large (MAL) and participate in the organization's programs and yearly convention, and act as advocates for WACVA-AWU in their local communities.
Women who provide evidence of honorable service in the Army, Army National Guard or the U.S. Army Reserve, regardless of rank, may join the WACVA-AWU as Regular Members. Women who provide evidence of honorable service with any other branch of the military may join as Affiliate Members.
All eligible women are welcome regardless of race, sexual orientation, or political belief unless such political belief is contrary to the principles of the Constitution and the government of the United States of America.​​​​
What is Army Women United?
We added Army Women United to our name several years ago to ensure that any woman who has served in the United States Army would know she was welcome as a member. Please view our chapter listings below to find a group in your area or join a virtual chapter.
​​How to Join:
Email or mail completed application and required documents to National Headquarters. Dues may be paid over the phone or by mailed check.​ Please contact National Headquarters for more payment information.

WACVA-AWU Chapters
State City Chapter # Contact
Alabama | Jacksonville | 62 | wacvach62@yahoo.com |
Arizona | Phoenix | 68 | sheree.bigge@gmail.com |
Arizona | Sierra Vista | 95 | kaitlynp04@gmail.com |
Colorado | Colorado Springs | 75 | nodaknative@hotmail.com |
Colorado | Denver | 76 | alangaytan@msn.com |
Florida | Jacksonville | 56 | wac56Pres@gmail.com |
Maryland | Aberdeen | 70 | amyjparker@aol.com |
Michigan | Detroit | 67 | vidajoiner@yahoo.com |
Missouri | St. Louis | 48 | glee@yourestatematters.com |
Ohio | Columbus | 3 | georgiama4817@gmail.com |
Online (virtual) | The Musicians Chapter | 121 | was02wac@yahoo.com |
Online (virtual) | Zoom Chapter | 119 | veldhuis57@hotmail.com |
Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh | 120 | phyllisamckee@comcast.net |
Texas | Killeen | 94 | lisaonly26@yahoo.com |
Virginia | Northern Virginia | 33 | steph.mitch@live.com |
Washington | Tacoma | 63 | wacva63@gmail.com |