Our Mission:​
support veterans
support women currently in service
promote the historical significance of Army Women​
We are American Soldiers

Our Origins

WACVA-AWU's origins date from World War II with the creation of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC). WAAC was founded to help men in the Army by serving in hospitals and United Service Organizations, selling bonds, mending clothes, and sending care packages to support and encourage soldiers.
But women wanted to do more to help their country. They petitioned for participation and recognition as part of the service force. In 1943, the Women's Army Corps was created, allowing women to officially join the Army.
​The Women's Army Corps Veterans' Association, originally the WAC Mothers' Association, created a Constitution and Bylaws, formed chapters, and had their first Convention in Chicago in 1946. ​
Throughout our long history, membership has grown to represent all Army Women who have loyally served their country. Our members include those stationed in Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, the Persian Gulf, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other foreign locations during times of war. In times of relative peace, many members have honorably served to maintain our country's safety and security.
Today, we provide camaraderie, support, and recognition to Army Women. We work to assist Veterans in need, and we raise awareness of Army Women as we contribute to our communities through acts of service. Contact a chapter in your area or National Headquarters to get involved!​​
National Officers
I am, indeed, an American Soldier: Proud of my profession, ready to perform any duty assigned to me, and to answer the call when my country needs me.
-General Brigadeer Evelyn P. Foote
In service: 1959-1989